Friday 14 October 2011

Idle Minds Thinking Crazy Thoughts

It's late and I'm sitting here with a blank page in front of me and I'm trying to think about what to write.  I have RR's voice in the front of my head saying, "You can't just set out to write something, you have to let it come naturally."  I can't remember if he said that (or something similar) or if it was someone else, but it's my mind, so it's RR's voice, and my mom's voice in the back of my head from who knows how many years ago saying, "Write about what you know."  Well forget that.  I'll just write about whatever comes to mind...there will be a few things.

I'm good with computers and technology in general.  I can pick up a device and figure out how to use it very quickly.  The only bad thing is that I have become free tech support for everyone I know.  For the most part, I don't mind.  My friend CC asked me to build him a desktop computer with a reasonable amount of money.  It'll be fun and I don't mind that.  JN asked me to see why her PS3 won't talk with media on her computer.  I didn't mind that either.  (I couldn't figure it out...I'm having the same problem too)  My mom asked me to make her a DVD of music videos.  She provided the list, I'm making the DVD.  I kind of owe her since back in the 80's, she made a carefully edited VHS tape of music videos that I taped over with a Gilligan's Island marathon.  These people are very close friends or family and I never mind helping them out.  What I don't like is being asked by passing acquaintances, people I barely know, or just random people online, if I can help them with their computer problems.  I usually feign ignorance for their problems, but in all honesty, I'm thinking, "Yes, I could help you out, but I don't want to, and you should go away."

I wasn't overly concerned about it until recently, but now I'm kind of thinking that I'll end up with cancer.  My paternal grandmother had it and so does my dad and all his siblings.  This sounds like it runs in the family.  Over the last 5 years or so, I had wholly different reasons (which I won't get into right now) for supporting cancer research.  Now I think supporting cancer research could benefit me directly, which scares the hell out of me.  It's definitely in the top 5 of my current fears.

I've called this blog Confessions of a Bachelor, but I really haven't made too many let's get a few out in the open and off my chest...not all these will be about relationship stuff.
Until a few years ago, I had the worst break ups ever.  Well it's not so much that the break ups were bad, it was more my execution of them that was bad.  I've broken up with women by leaving a note on her dooor, texting, e-mail, phone call...rarely did it happen in person.  On the flip side of that, I've been dumped by most of those methods as well, so I know what it's like on the other end.
If someone farted in the was me.
I smoked cigarettes for a little while.  I also have smoked cigars, and pot.  I still have the occasional cigar.  The person that will be surprised by this the most will be my mom....that should be enough confessions for one blog.

I speak confidently.  In fact, I speak so confidently that even when I'm wrong, and people know I'm wrong, they frequently doubt themselves and think that I'm right.  I think I learned this mostly from my mom, and I'm pretty sure this is how she fooled me into thinking that she knows everything when I was a kid.  I use the same technique on my own kid now.  This isn't the only thing I picked up from my mom about parenting.  I've more than once heard her words coming out of my mouth.  First it was it's just funny.

1 comment:

  1. Cancer runs rampant in my family. When I was about 10 or 12 I realized that the odds (or rather genes) were not in my favour. I think because I've basically accepted that at some point in my lifetime, I'm not fearing it's inevitabilty. RR thinks it's morbid and I don't necessarily disagree, but at the same time, I feel that when/if (I'm certainly not WISHING I'll get cancer) I may be better equipped to process that information and prepare for the steps to come. Does that make any sense at all?
