Tuesday 19 July 2011

Unemployment Depression

It's July 19th and I've been unemployed for the longest stretch of time since I started working for the Micheal J. Fox theatre back when I was in high school.  It's starting to wear at me and the constant rejection from job after job can really take a toll on one's sense of self worth.  It fosters a feeling of lethargy, helplessness, and yes, a bit of depression.  Fortunately I have friends and family that are looking out for me and making a tough time quite a bit easier than it is for most people.  Just this past weekend, JR and I were ordering food from a cart vendor on Granville and right beside us was a guy about my age, rooting through the trash looking for food.  I looked at him and thought, "The only difference between this guy and me is the friend I have standing right beside me."  I'm keeping a physical and mental list of everything everyone has done for me over the last few months, and when I get back on my feet (and rest assured that I will), these people will be thanked appropriately; and I don't just mean a hearty appreciation at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
On a lighter note, my son finally got a haircut.  Now he looks like a little boy again instead of a long haired hippie.


  1. Being off work as a result of my injury for three months now, I can completely relate to what it is you're saying here. I think it's especially hard for me to deal with it appropriately because of the fact that I'm a parent, and feel like I should be doing more to support my child but also know that right now, I'm very limited with what I can do.
    Like with you and JR, it's like that with me and RR right now. When I'm able to go back to work and get back on firmer financial footing, I'll be finding a way to show how appreciative of RR I am, as well as my family and friends. Best of luck to you on your job search! Maybe we can brainstorm some ideas of how we thank our support network!

  2. I was rejected by 95 companies, some more than once, fewer still more than twice, before 2 said yes.

    Also, you'll never be that guy so long as I have couch.

    BTW it took 20 minutes and twice as many successful logins just to post this comment. I hate Google.

  3. Blogging is a fabulous idea whether it came to you in a 3am drunk or not. Excellent way to vent, whine and refocus on those blue days. Terrific way to keep networked and catch random suggestions from your readers on that job hunt. Some good advice you've posted here as well. Try LinkedIn for networking btw. Good for you and keep writing - you have a good sense of humour and very readable style.
