Friday 19 August 2011


A little under a year ago, I signed up with the Day Zero Project.  For those of you who don't know what that is (and I'm sure that's probably going to be all of you) it's a site where you list 101 goals to do in 1001 days.  I'm currently 32% complete, and have 682 days left.  The biggest challenge for me so far was thinking up 101 things to do...without any repeats.  I know you're saying to yourself, "That's easy...I can do that no problem!", well it gets tougher to think of things around the 70 or 80 mark.  These goals don't have to be lofty either.  Some of my easier goals are to donate blood, or go horseback riding.  I don't think I've ever been horseback riding in my life.  I think my son has been on more horses than I have.  I have donated blood though.  Some of the more difficult to achieve goals I have are: dont' complain about anything for a week, go skydiving, don't swear for a week, go to a movie alone, get a SCUBA diving certificate, fly a plane.  Think not swearing for a week is easy?  When was the last time you went a week without cursing?  Going to see a movie alone is a really tough one for me too.  I did it when I was in high school once...and never have since.  In fact, I've missed out on a lot of movies because everyone will have seen them and I haven't and couldn't go alone.  I'm just glad that when the latest Star Trek movie came out, I had good enough friends that waited a week while I was at sea before seeing it so I wouldn't have to go alone.  2 of my goals are to dye my hair and shave my head...these might go hand in hand.
I think the hardest goal on my list is telling my dad why I don't talk to him anymore.  I'm pretty sure that's going to be done in 681 days, unless he actually phones me...but after 1 year, 8 months, 19 days, 10 hours, and 5 minutes, I'm not holding my breath waiting for that call.  I really should prepare for that call though, but how do you tell someone, especially your father, that unless he makes radical changes (which he's not likely to make) that you want nothing more to do with him?  Do you emphasize his alcoholism and say you don't want your son influenced by it?  Or do you mention his absence from your son's life and yours for the past 3 years?  At any rate, I'll be skydiving out of a plane I flew up myself and then landing in water to scuba dive before that happens.
This website has really taught me the importance of having small, easily accomplished goals and how they fit into a larger goal.  The large goal is to do 101 things in 1001 days...that's a big goal, but when I look at it, I see 1 or 2 things I can do this coming weekend (like flying a kite).

On a different note, today is the last day to vote for my mom, Christine, here.  I've run a daily facebook campaign about this.  She's the only one from BC to be nominated.  Win or lose, I'm pretty proud of what she's accomplished with a few words done up in rhyme.  I really hope she wins though, it's the best one there.

For those of you who want to see my full list, you can check it out here.

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