Saturday 16 July 2011

My Mom

I arrived in Vancouver today.  My mom immediately mentioned how she hasn't been mentioned in my blog, so this one is a post for her.  Here's some things about my mom that I know:
My mom is smart and she has no problem mentioning it to me over and over again.
My mom is short.  Almost midget short, but not quite.
My mom, like most people her age, claims to know all about how to use a computer, but can't figure out how to download a TV show.
My mom is the reason I finished high school.
My mom has excellent taste in friends and mediocre taste in television.
My mom is super funny when she's had 1 glass of wine, a riot on 2 glasses, and passed out on 3.
My mom is a Chevy girl.  I don't know if that's weird, but there it is.
My mom taught me just about everything I need to know, including how to be a smarty pants.
My mom made a promise to take me to Vegas when I was only took her 10 years after I was 21 for her to fulfill that promise, but she did fulfill it.
My mom once closed a car door on my hand.  2 of my fingers have permanent indentations from this incident.
My mom once fell off a bathroom counter, hitting a towel bar on the way down and severely bruising her butt.  She insisted on showing me the bruise...I am still traumatized.
My mom has excellent taste in house decoration...this is not a skill she passed on to me.
My mom taught me how to not rely on other people for cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.

There's a lot more to my mom than what I have here, but I can't have her ego getting bigger than mine.

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