Saturday 16 July 2011

Thoughts of a 3am drunk

It's almost 3am.  I went to see the last Harry Potter movie with a good friend of mine.  Afterward, I returned home, had a few drinks, which led to a few more drinks, which led to me thinking that it would be a good idea to start writing down some thoughts; so for good or ill, here's what I think:
I think the last time I was truly happy in a romantic relationship was 2006.  It has recently come to my attention that the relationship I had with that person will never happen again.
I think there's part of me that feels empty because of this.
I think JR and RR are my best friends for a reason.  A recent "tiff" with RR only served to solidify that in my mind, while JR's actions over the last couple months may qualify him for sainthood.
I think I owe my friends more than can be counted in dollars.
I think that nobody, not even myself, will ever understand why I can't stand to drink any hot beverages.
I think everything East of Ottawa is dead to me now.
I think that I like my step-dad more than my own dad.
I think I'm proud of my sister, but find it odd that she won't have pepper in the house.
I think that I have excellent opinions on television, despite the fact that my favorite shows keep getting cancelled and "trash" tv just keeps on going.
I think I'm afraid, but I'm not entirely sure of what.
I think back on the happiest times of my life and most of them involve being in a car on an open stretch of highway with either RR or JR in the passenger seat. (that's "most" of them, mom, not all)
I think that this blog post is over.

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